Two-Person Wall Volleyball

Tactical Problem: Importance of proper positioning to receive the ball.  Keep the ball going between you, the wall and your partner by placing it appropriately on the wall.
Skill Development: Body positioning for forearm pass. Getting behind the ball.  Facing up to target.  Passing high on the wall.

Teaching Points:

Ball must be hit high on the wall to allow for more time for correct positioning.

Must get behind the ball and face up to the target.

Hand and arm position: place fingers of one had diagonally on top of the fingers of the other hand, place thumbs parallel to each other on top of the fingers. Turn thumbs downward to the floor, thereby locking the elbows (this should straighten the arms and open the forearms). 

Body Position: Place feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart with one foot slightly ahead of the other. 
Knees bent. Keep centre of gravity low and body weight forward on balls of feet. Place the arms between the legs at an angle depending on the flight of the ball.

Organizational Points:
  • Groups of two.
  • Using volleyballs, spread out and use all appropriate space, use all four walls of the gym.
  • Toss ball from behind a designated line, partner must pass ball back via the target area on the wall.
  • Introduce boundaries, targets and point system.
  • Score points by returning ball to within one-step of your partner (target).
  • Or count the number of continuous passes between you and your partner.